Data Source

Arachne File Browser

Arachne File Browser

Current slice:All Hits
PH Histogram

Current PE range:
One-push presets:
Slice Info
Event ID ||||
SW Ver
Time ( ago)
Hits  ID,  OD,  Veto
Reco  clusters,  tracks,  vertices,  blobs
Slice of
Hits  ID,  OD,  Veto
Mean time
Total PE
Vis Energy
Other Information
ID Hits per module
OD Hits per module
Total PE
Detector Config
Trigger type
Cal. Settings
GL Gate
Monte Carlo
Test Beam


Flagged only
Anchor only
Primary anchored only
Secondary anchored only
Flagged only
Anchor only
Primary anchored only
Secondary anchored only

Scan Records
User Track
Time Histogram

Current range:
Hit Maps

Tower 5


Tower 2

Tower 4


Tower 1

Tower 6


Tower 3

Big Hitmap
Minos U View
Minos V View
MRI View
Energy Profile
Electronics View
Crate 0
Crate 1
3D Display
Zoom In Zoom Out Pan Left Pan Right Pan Up Pan Down Pan Upstream Pan Downstream Reset Animate
MC Digraph
Veto Wall
Wall 1 (Downstream)
Wall 2 (Upstream)
New Scan Entry
Example help text.
The selected slice will be highlighted on the histogram. You can change the time scale by clicking and dragging below the axis and shift the histogram by clicking and dragging above the axis. Only hits that are shown on the time histogram will be displayed. Click the reset button in the bottom right of the window to return to the standard scale and range. Try play sound to "hear" the event!
You can change the energy scale by clicking and dragging below the axis and shift the histogram by clicking and dragging above the axis. Shifting to the left will remove hits of lower energy from the display and shifting to the right will include lower energy hits. Click the reset button in the bottom right of the window to return to the standard scale and range.
Here are three views of the detector from three angles. Move your cursor over the diagram to zoom in. Click on a track to highlight it in al the detector views and see information about that track. You may chose to see track info in SI units or MeV.
This is a three dimensional view of the detector showing the tracks in the selected slice. The blue hexagons represent the front and back of the detector (the black shape represents the MINOS near detector which lies behind MINERvA). You can rotate the view by clicking while moving the mouse. Use the controls below to zoom and move the view in the window. The auto rotate control will slowly rotate the view automatically.